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루비 코드를 문서화하는 방법?

hot-time 2020. 5. 13. 08:04

루비 코드를 문서화하는 방법?

루비 코드를 문서화 할 때 특정 코드 규칙이 있습니까? 예를 들어 다음 코드 스 니펫이 있습니다.

require 'open3'

module ProcessUtils

  # Runs a subprocess and applies handlers for stdout and stderr
  # Params:
  # - command: command line string to be executed by the system
  # - outhandler: proc object that takes a pipe object as first and only param (may be nil)
  # - errhandler: proc object that takes a pipe object as first and only param (may be nil)
  def execute_and_handle(command, outhandler, errhandler)
    Open3.popen3(command) do |_, stdout, stderr|
      if (outhandler)
      if (errhandler)

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  # Runs a subprocess and applies handlers for stdout and stderr
  # Params:
  # +command+:: command line string to be executed by the system
  # +outhandler+:: +Proc+ object that takes a pipe object as first and only param (may be nil)
  # +errhandler+:: +Proc+ object that takes a pipe object as first and only param (may be nil)

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