Java에서 확인 된 예외는 언제 생성해야하며 런타임 예외 여야합니까? [복제]
중복 가능성 :
선택 및 선택되지 않은 예외를 선택하는 경우
확인 된 예외는 언제 생성해야하며 런타임 예외는 언제 생성해야합니까?
예를 들어 다음 클래스를 만들었다 고 가정합니다.
public class Account {
private float balance;
/* ... constructor, getter, and other fields and methods */
public void transferTo(Account other, float amount) {
if (amount > balance)
throw new NotEnoughBalanceException();
/* ... */
어떻게해야 NotEnoughBalanceException
합니까? 그것은 확장해야 Exception
나 RuntimeException
? 아니면 IllegalArgumentException
대신 사용해야 합니까?
이 주제에 대해 많은 의견이 일치하지 않습니다. 마지막 작업에서 런타임 예외가 프로덕션 (에 나타날 때까지 잊혀지는 실제 문제가 발생하여 확인 된 예외를 독점적으로 사용하기로 결정했습니다.
현재 직장에서 많은 또는 모든 경우에 런타임 예외에 대한 많은 사람들이 있음을 발견했습니다.
내가 생각하는 것은 다음과 같습니다. CheckedExceptions를 사용하면 컴파일 타임에 호출자의 예외를 적어도 승인해야합니다. 런타임 예외를 사용하면 컴파일러에 의해 강제되지는 않지만 처리하도록하는 단위 테스트를 작성할 수 있습니다. 나는 버그가 일찍 잡힐수록 수정하는 것이 더 저렴하다고 생각하기 때문에 이런 이유로 CheckedExceptions를 선호합니다.
철학적 관점에서 메서드 호출은 호출자와 호출자 사이의 어느 정도 계약입니다. 컴파일러는 전달되는 매개 변수 유형을 강제하기 때문에 나가는 동안 유형을 강제하는 것이 대칭 적으로 보입니다. 즉, 값 또는 예외를 반환합니다.
내 경험에 따르면 확인 된 예외를 사용할 때 더 높은 품질, 즉 잘 작동하는 코드를 얻을 수 있습니다. 확인 된 예외는 코드를 복잡하게 만들 수 있지만이를 처리 할 수있는 기술이 있습니다. 레이어 경계를 통과 할 때 예외를 번역하고 싶습니다. 예를 들어, 지속성 계층에서 넘어가는 경우 SQL 예외를 지속성 예외로 변환하고 싶습니다. 다음 계층은 내가 SQL 데이터베이스를 지속하고 있다는 사실을 신경 쓰지 않아야하지만 무언가가 지속될 수 없는지 알고 있습니다. 내가 사용하는 또 다른 기술은 예외의 간단한 계층을 만드는 것입니다. 이렇게하면 수퍼 클래스를 포착하고 정말 중요한 경우에만 개별 서브 클래스를 다룰 수 있기 때문에 한 계층 위로 더 깨끗한 코드를 작성할 수 있습니다.
일반적으로, 저는 Effective Java의 Joshua Bloch의 조언 이 귀하의 질문에 대한 답변을 가장 잘 요약 한다고 생각합니다 . 복구 가능한 조건에 대해 확인 된 기대를 사용하고 프로그래밍 오류에 대해 런타임 예외를 사용하십시오 (2 판 항목 58).
따라서이 경우 정말 예외를 사용하려면 선택해야합니다. (문서에 다른 방법 을 사용하여 먼저 충분한 균형을 확인하지 않고 transferTo()
메서드 를 호출 해서는 안된다는 것이 명확 하지 않은 경우 Account
-조금 어색해 보일 것입니다.)
그러나 항목 59 : 확인 된 예외의 불필요한 사용을 피하고 57 : 예외적 인 조건에만 예외를 사용하십시오 . 다른 사람들이 지적했듯이이 사건은 전혀 예외가 될 수 없습니다. false
크레딧이 충분하지 않으면 반환 (또는 발생한 상황에 대한 세부 정보가 포함 된 상태 개체)을 고려하십시오 .
확인 된 예외는 언제 사용합니까? 솔직히? 내 겸손한 의견으로는 ... 절대로. 마지막으로 확인 된 예외를 만든 지 6 년 정도 된 것 같습니다.
누군가에게 오류를 처리하도록 강요 할 수 없습니다. 틀림없이 그것은 코드를 더 나쁘게 만드는 것이 아닙니다. 다음과 같은 코드를 접한 횟수를 말할 수 없습니다.
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// do nothing
나는 다음과 같은 코드를 수없이 작성했습니다.
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeExceptione(e);
Why? Because a condition (not necessarily IOException; that's just an example) wasn't recoverable but was forced down my throat anyway and I am often forced to make the choice between doing the above and polluting my API just to propagate a checked exception all the way to the top where it's (rightlfully) fatal and will be logged.
There's a reason Spring's DAO helper classes translate the checked SQLException into the unchecked DataAccessException.
If you have things like lack of write permissions to a disk, lack of disk space or other fatal conditions you want to be making as much noise as possible and the way to do this is with... unchecked exceptions (or even Errors).
Additionally, checked exceptions break encapsulation.
This idea that checked exceptions should be used for "recoverable" errors is really pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking.
Checked exceptions in Java were an experiment... a failed experiment. We should just cut our losses, admit we made a mistake and move on. IMHO .Net got it right by only having unchecked exceptions. Then again it had the second-adopter advantage of learning from Java's mistakes.
IMHO, it shouldn't be an exception at all. An exception, in my mind, should be used when exceptional things happen, and not as flow controls.
In your case, it isn't at all an exceptional status that someone tries to transfer more money than the balance allows. I figure these things happen very often in the real world. So you should program against these situations. An exception might be that your if-statement evaluates the balance good, but when the money is actually being subtracted from the account, the balance isn't good anymore, for some strange reason.
An exception might be that, just before calling transferTo()
, you checked that the line was open to the bank. But inside the transferTo()
, the code notices that the line isn't open any more, although, by all logic, it should be. THAT is an exception. If the line can't be opened, that's not an exception, that's a plausible situation.
IMHO recap: Exceptions == weird black magic.
So, not to be all too contradictive, the method itself might very well throw an exception. But the use of the method should be controlled: You first check the balance (outside of the transferTo()
method), and if the balance is good, only then call transferTo()
. If transferTo()
notices that the balance, for some odd reason, isn't good anymore, you throw the exception, which you diligently catch.
In that case, you have all your ducks in a row, and know that there's nothing more you can do (because what was true
became false
, as if by itself), other than log the exception, send a notification to someone, and tell the customer politely that someone didn't sacrifice their virgins properly during the last full moon, and the problem will be fixed at the first possible moment.
If you are doing this for your own pleasure (and the case seems to be this, see comments), I'd suggest returning a boolean instead. The usage would be something like this:
// ...
boolean success = transferTo(otherAccount, ONE_MILLION_DOLLARS_EXCLAMATION);
if (!success) {
UI.showMessage("Aww shucks. You're not that rich");
return; // or something...
} else {
// ...
I recently had a problem with exceptions, code threw NullPointerException and I had no idea why, after some investigation it turned out that real exception was swallowed(it was in new code, so its still being done) and method just returned null. If you do checked exceptions you must understand that bad programmers will just try catch it and ignore exception.
My rule is
- if statements for business logic errors (like your code)
- cheched exceptions for environment errors where the application can recover
uncheched exception for environment errors where there is no recovery
- Example for checked exception: Network is down for an application that can work offline
- Example for uncheched exception: Database is down on a CRUD web application.
There is much documentation on the subject. You can find a lot by browsing the Hibernate web pages since they changed all exceptions of Hibernate 2.x from checked to unchecked in version 3.x
From Unchecked Exceptions -- The Controversy:
If a client can reasonably be expected to recover from an exception, make it a checked exception. If a client cannot do anything to recover from the exception, make it an unchecked exception.
Note that an unchecked exception is one derived from RuntimeException
and a checked exception is one derived from Exception
Why throw a RuntimeException
if a client cannot do anything to recover from the exception? The article explains:
Runtime exceptions represent problems that are the result of a programming problem, and as such, the API client code cannot reasonably be expected to recover from them or to handle them in any way. Such problems include arithmetic exceptions, such as dividing by zero; pointer exceptions, such as trying to access an object through a null reference; and indexing exceptions, such as attempting to access an array element through an index that is too large or too small.
My feeling is that the checked exception is a useful contract that should be used sparingly. The classic example of where I think a checked exception is a good idea is an InterruptedException. My feeling is that I do want to be able to stop a thread / process when I want it to stop, regardless of how long someone has specified to Thread.sleep().
So, trying to answer your specific question, is this something that you absolutely want to make sure that everyone deals with? To my mind, a situation where an Account
doesn't have enough money is a serious enough problem that you have to deal with it.
In response to Peter's comment: here's an example using InterruptedException as concrete case of an exception that should be handled and you need to have a useful default handler. Here is what I strongly recommend, certainly at my real job. You should at least do this:
catch (InterruptedException ie) {
That handler will ensure that the code catches the checked exception and does exactly what you want: get this thread to stop. Admittedly, if there's another exception handler / eater upstream, it's not impossible that it will handle the exception less well. Even so, FindBugs can help you find those.
Now, reality sets in: you can't necessarily force everyone who writes an exception handler for your checked exception to handle it well. That said, at least you'll be able to "Find Usages" and know where it is used and give some advice.
Short form: you're inflicting a load the users of your method if you use a checked exception. Make sure that there's a good reason for it, recommend a correct handling method and document all this extensively.
A checked exception means that clients of your class are forced to deal with it by the compiler. Their code cannot compile unless they add a try/catch block.
The designers of C# have decided that unchecked exceptions are preferred.
Or you can follow the C-style and check return values and not throw exceptions.
Exceptions do have a cost, so they shouldn't be used for control flow, as noted earlier. But the one thing they have going for them is that they can't be ignored.
If you decide that in this case to eschew exceptions, you run the risk that a client of your class will ignore the return value or fail to check the balance before trying to transfer.
I'd recommend an unchecked exception, and I'd give it a descriptive name like InsufficientFundsException to make it quite clear what was going on.
Simply put, use checked exception only as part of external contract for a library, and only if the client wants/needs to catch it. Remember, when using checked exception you are forcing yourself on the caller. With runtime exception, if they are well-documented, you are giving the caller a choice.
It is a known problem that checked exceptions are over-used in Java, but it doesn't mean that they are all bad. That's why it is such in integral part of the Spring philosophy, for example (
The advantage of checked exceptions is that the compiler forces the developer to deal with them earlier. The disadvantage, in my mind anyway, is that developers tend to be lazy and impatient, and stub out the exception-handling code with the intention of coming back and fixing it later. Which, of course, rarely happens.
Bruce Eckel, author of Thinking in Java, has a nice essay on this topic.
I don't think the scenario (insufficient funds) warrants throwing an Exception
--- it's simply not exceptional enough, and should be handled by the normal control flow of the program. However, if I really had to throw an exception, I would choose a checked exception, by extending Exception
, not RuntimeException
which is unchecked. This forces me to handle the exception explicitly (I need to declare it to be thrown, or catch it somewhere).
is a subclass of RuntimeException
, which makes it an unchecked exception. I would only consider throwing this if the caller has some convenient way of determining whether or not the method arguments are legal. In your particular code, it's not clear if the caller has access to balance
, or whether the whole "check balance and transfer funds" is an atomic operation (if it isn't then the caller really has no convenient way of validating the arguments).
EDIT: Clarified my position on throwing IllegalArgumentException
Line is not always clear, but for me usually RuntimeException = programming errors, checked exceptions = external errors. This is very rough categorization though. Like others say, checked exceptions force you to handle, or at least think for a very tiny fraction of time, about it.
Myself, I prefer using checked exceptions as I can.
If you are an API Developer (back-end developer), use checked exceptions, otherwise, use Runtime exceptions.
Also note that, using Runtime exceptions in some situations is to be considered a big mistake, for example if you are to throw runtime exceptions from your session beans (see : for more info about the problem from using Runtime excpetions in session beans).
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