.NET 그래프 라이브러리 주변? [닫은]
.net 용 그래프 라이브러리를 찾고 있습니다. 밖에 없습니까?
추신 : 그래픽이나 차트 라이브러리가 아닌 GRAPH 라이브러리를 의미합니다!
편집 : 내가 의미하는 것은 그래프 이론에서 그래프입니다 (출처 : sourceforge.net )
그리기 기능도 필요합니다.
QuickGraph 와 Graph # (WPF) 의 조합을 사용하십시오 . 두 라이브러리 모두 최고 수준입니다. 그들은 나를 위해 정말 잘 작동하지만 Graph #에 대한 문서는 거의 존재하지 않습니다.
I am working in the NDepend team and we switched from GraphViz to MsAgl (Microsoft Automatic Graph Layout) in september 2008. The MsAgl license allows commercial utilisation. Here are a few sample pictures of MsAgl graphs integrated in NDepend (everything is interactive, nodes are movable/selectable/removable/clickable, edges are editable/selectable/removable/clickable, the layout is zoomable, and also, while it could be cleaner the MsAgl API is clean enough to work with):
Thou my previous post get deleted i'll try to give more complex answer on the question. The topmost answer is not quite actual anymore as the Graph# library is strongly outdated.
I'll recommend to check the combination of GraphX and Quickgraph. GraphX as the rendering engine and Quickgraph as the graph management and math operation component.
GrpahX library is coded for WPF 4.0 and METRO. It provides many features that Graph# lacks:
- Improved rendering performance for large graphs
- Edge routing and bundling support, many other edge options
- Enchanced zoom control which supports Overview window and multiple vertices selection
- Rich documentation and samples
Also GraphX supports all the original layout algorithms from Graph#. Please visit http://panthernet.ru/forum if you have any questions!
There is QuickGraph, it works pretty well and has most of the basic algorithms.
Take a look at yWorks: http://www.yworks.com/en/index.html
There aren't a massive amount of good libraries out there, from what I've seen.
You can use the NodeXL API from Microsoft Research at: http://www.codeplex.com/NodeXL but a similar question has been asked at: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44090/do-you-know-any-graph-visualization-libraries-for-net/
I haven't tried it yet but ran across an interesting offering from MS Research for visualizing directed graphs Microsoft Automatic Graph Layout.
Try using "directed graph" or "digraph" for search terms. I get a lot of hits.
Take a look at Satsuma. Written in C#, mainly graph algorithms, but there is some basic graph layout and drawing as well.
Check out http://quickgraph.codeplex.com/ They have support for visualization via DotViz and Glee.
For visualization, i'd also check out
Though its flash, it seems very interesting, and they have at least tree visualization, though you may be able to coax some non-directed graphs out of it.
The C5 Generic Collection Library for C# and CLI
Buddy I think this is what you need!
This article presents a Generic Graph Library, 100% C#. This library is an attempt to port the Boost Graph Library (BGL) from C++ to C#.
C #으로 작성된 오픈 소스 프로젝트 인 ZedGraph 를 사용 했기 때문에 필요하다고 생각되면 조정할 수 있습니다. 그것은 당신이 묘사 한 것과 매우 가까운 것처럼 들리는 우리의 요구를 충족 시켰습니다. 꽤 좋은 샘플이있는 프로젝트 위키 사이트 도 있습니다 .
Matlab은 그래프 작업을 잘 지원하며 .NET 몇 줄로 .m 파일을 호출하여 그래프를 표시 할 수 있습니다. Matlab을 사용하여 C # 콘솔 앱에서 그래프 또는 플롯 만들기를 참조하세요 .
참고 URL : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1578493/net-graph-library-around
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